What is Envy?

I came to the realization this week that jealousy and admiration are two sides of the same coin.

They are both based on our ability to acknowledge that what someone else has gained or achieved is good. But admiration involves a certain amount of love or respect for the individual, that allows us to put them first and to be happy for them in their success.

As children, we see people with success and want to be like them. We call them our heroes.

As adults, we see people with success and want to be like them. But now we call them rivals.

Loving strangers is hard. Loving rivals and enemies is even harder.

What helps you love others?

In personal news:

Our son is much happier now that he’s done with his EEG. Still waiting on the results, but at this point, no news is good news.

He’s back to climbing on everything. (As if he ever stopped) Banging on the piano is his all time favorite. And he discovered the washing machine this week.


I Got Robbed!


Supportive People