Creative Momentum #2

Double Dipping on Momentum

There are multiple types of momentum and double (or even triple) dipping on momentum will open up new productivity strategies for your writing.

The the types of momentum we’ll discuss are Creative, Productive and (Positive) Spiritual Momentum. All three can be directed towards creative pursuits and are thus somewhat interchangeable.

There’s also Social Momentum and I only bring it up as a warning. It’s mostly used by extroverts and masochists (aka. Public Speakers) and it will tank your creative productivity as a solitary writer.

Productive momentum is built by (you guessed it) being productive. Completing any task will help build this. And once you’ve started completing tasks, writing can be considered just one more task.

Spiritual momentum is built by drawing nearer to your higher power and finding inner peace. Some great ways to do this are to resolve conflicts in your life and to keep your work areas clean.

I frequently hear people say their solution for writer’s block is to do the dishes, read a book or go for a walk. It’s the creative equivalent of stepping back and taking a running jump.

Doing dishes is something to check off the list, and getting your area clean helps with spiritual momentum too. Going for a walk has similar effects (not to mention the health benefits). Reading a book helps inspire your creativity and can be something to check off the list.

Writing is more than just a creative pursuit. It’s a task to complete and it’s a spiritual endeavor. Anything you can do to build any of those momentums will make you a more productive writer.

Writing tip:

If you’re struggling to write, take a short break to build one (or both) of the adjacent momentums.

In other news:

I’ll be attending the WXR writing conference this week and can’t wait to share what I learn.

On a personal note:

My son loves blueberries.


The Rising Tide of Networking


Creative Momentum #1