Happy Birthday Harry!

I can’t think of a better day to begin sharing my journey as a writer and aspiring author than Harry Potter’s birthday. Those books have been an inspiration my whole life. (No, my son’s name isn’t Harry. I just happened to use a picture from his birthday party.)

I’ve thought a lot about what to write for this post, and have come to two conclusions:

One, I’m over thinking it.

Two, not starting is the wrong thing to do.

I’m terrified of saying the wrong thing, or worse, not saying the right things.

I want to put my whole soul into this. But I’m afraid of overwhelming everyone with my intensity.

So, I’ll do what I do best. I’ll tell you a story.

My wife has a beautiful singing voice.

She works hard to sing well. It doesn’t come naturally to her. She faces a number of challenges every time she practices. But she practices regularly and it shows.

When she sings at church, her voice stands out. She sings louder and clearer than anyone. After the services, without fail, someone will thank her for her voice.

They say things like:

“You sound like an angel.”

“Hearing you helps me sing louder.”

“Singing with you makes me sing better.”

She sings because she enjoys it. But, her choice to excel gives everyone around her permission to do the same.

I’m sharing my journey as a writer and aspiring author, to give you permission to excel, whether you’re a writer, a mechanic or an astronaut.

I can’t put my whole self into a single post. But, thankfully, I’m not limited to just one. 

I’ve shared a couple of my inspirations. 

What inspires you?


Supportive People